The second lap was for survivors and caregivers and then the third lap was for all of the team members. Here are a few of our teammates, Kathy, James and Brad.

It was a lot of fun being out there with other people who have been affected by cancer in one way or another. I loved chatting with my team members and hearing their stories. I hope one of these days in my life time they will find a cure for this awful disease. I hope none of my grandchildren have to worry about hearing the words, "you have cancer." I was happy to be a part of the Relay for Life and supporting everything they do. They do so much for families going through treatment and of course the research that they fund. We will definitely start participating in the Relay every year from now on! And I forgot to mention that we got second place and our team captain, Stephanie raised the most money as an individual! We also got an award for being the best rookie team! Being as competitive as I am, I was pretty pumped!
Thanks again to all of you who supported our team!