Sorry it's been a while since my last post...I'm sure most of you have been keeping up with my mom's blog. She's much better about keeping everyone informed! Here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks.

Emery and daddy early one morning. I thought this was too cute!

Here's my mom talking and getting some work done! She's been such a huge help to me since David's been gone. I'm sure her work and her hubby miss her terribly but I'm glad she's here!!

Emery loved the crib soother at the hospital so mom bought her one from Target the other day. Emery is totally mesmerized by it...I think it looks like she's watching a movie! She's also started sucking on her hands a lot. I keep thinking she's going to become a thumb sucker but so far she's sticking with her passy.

Well, Emery is finally up to 9 lbs...doesn't sound like much but we're happy! She made it through a bath today without getting upset! She's not a fan of bath time since we have to give her sponge baths due to the location of her central line. Dr. Thompson called last night to tell us her platelets made the appropriate jump after the transfusion so hopefully they will stay up. We head to CyFair tomorrow for her audiology test. They started it the last time we were in the hospital but she didn't stay asleep long enough to complete the test. They told me to bring her sleepy and hungry tomorrow so that I can feed her when we get there and she'll go to sleep for the procedure. I hope she cooperates! Monday and Tuesday we have to be at the hospital at 6 am for her MRI and CT scans. If there is not a significant decrease in the tumor then we'll start the third round of chemo on Wednesday. It will be three days of chemo this time and then we'll probably stay in the hospital for a few more days for observation. It will probably take two weeks from first day of chemo for her counts to come back up. Then it would only be one more week before we would need to do another MRI and start the fourth round. So, you can see why it's hard to figure out when a good time would be to try to come home. It seems like we should just stay for all of it instead of coming back and forth. I hope we'll be coming home to Amarillo soon but it's so hard to figure out when. At the same time, I am so comfortable with our doctor here and the clinic that I can't imagine leaving and continuing treatment in Amarillo. After talking with our doctor Wednesday it was pretty obvious that he thinks we should stay as long as possible but he wouldn't come right out and say it. He wants us to get back to a normal way of life though and really emphasizes the importance of us bonding as a family when Emery is so young. I can tell he is really torn when we ask him what he thinks we need to do. He's such a great guy and I am so thankful that we have him taking care of Emery. He is so great with all of his patients - he makes all of us feel like we are his number one priority. Of course, since Emery is such a cute little 'peanut', we know we really are his favorites!
So, do we know when we are coming home? NOPE! This could drag on for a while but I'd rather be here and get the best care possible. In the long run, a few months being away from home is nothing if it means we are doing what's best for our precious baby girl! I hate being gone and I'm so ready to get back to a normal routine but for now, I'm going to keep doing my number one job and that's taking care of Emery!
Emery is just beautiful. Thanks for posting new pictures. Praying for you.
It's great to see Emery looking so good, and so engaged with the toy! I'm so glad your mom can be with you right now, too, and praying things continue to go well. You are right--take care of your baby first; all other things will follow. Love you all.
I agree completely with the 2 comments above mine! We are all thinking about you and keeping the prayers going- and sending lots of love your way.
I received a prayer request for Emery through a friend at church, Kenda Zawadzki, who's sister works for Amarillo ISD with you and David. Prayers for healing, strength and peace are coming your way from Pflugerville, Texas. It is an honor to have the opportunity to pray for you during this season in your life.
Love you all so much! Can't wait to see you again!
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