Here are a few of the things you are doing now at three months old. I'm sure there are many more but my brain doesn't work too well these days!
I love our mornings together. After I feed you early in the morning, I keep you right next to me in bed so that we can sleep a little bit longer. You always are so happy in the morning.
You smile at anything I say and I can tell you're going to be laughing any day now! I love how you smile with your eyes. They are so beautiful.
You are making the cutest little sounds now too. It's adorable when Gigi or I am talking to you and you act like you are joining right in with us. So cute!
You are holding your head up really well now but still don't like tummy time too much! We have been working really hard with you on rolling over and you are doing so well! Some kids at the hospital gave you a bright fuzzy catapillar that has become your tummy time friend! Gigi can always get you to hold your head up for a long time with him!
You hold your hands together a lot of the time and look adorable doing it!
You are so close to being able to put your paci back in your mouth when it falls out. You will use your hands to keep it in and sometimes pull it out on accident. Pretty soon you'll be a pro at it!
You have slept through the night twice! Shh! Don't tell Dr. Thompson! For a while you had been waking me up every two to three hours at night and Dr. Thompson didn't want you going longer than three so you could gain some more weight. Now you are sleeping for 3-5 hours a night. The night you slept from 11:00 to 6:00 am was wonderful! ;)
You are such a good girl riding in the car! Gigi sits in the back seat with you most of the time but I think you'll be just fine back there by yourself when she goes home...I hope I'm right!
You like the swing more these days and nap in it when we eat dinner with Dan and Lauren. It's really funny when the one of the dogs bumps into the swing and we can't tell who is more stunned, you or the dog!
You threw your first big fit at a restaurant not too long ago and scared Dan and Lauren into having dogs for the rest of their lives instead of children! Lauren said you sounded like a Gremlin getting drenched with water! Sorry baby girl, but she was right! ;)
You have had three rounds of chemo and have handled them beautifully! You are such an amazingly strong girl! I can tell you are going to be able to handle anything!
You have started to lose your hair...don't know if it's the chemo or normal baby hair loss. Either way, you are starting to look like an old man who is bald on top and has long hair in the back! Pretty funny!
Well, it's been a wonderful three months with you baby girl. Your daddy and I love you more than we ever imagined possible and can't wait to see your personality unfold even more. You have brought so much joy to our lives and we cannot even remember what our lives were like without you.
Love the pictures! I have to admit, I love that little white headband with the yellow bow even! She looks adorable. Happy birthday, Emery Jane.
Love you little miss Emery! I can not wait to see you in a couple of weeks. We are going to play play play!
I am not even sure David had anything to do with this little girl-she could not look more like you...it's crazy!!!
she is so adorable as well... I did not write that in my first comment but I think it really goes without being said--it's so obvious :)
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